How to Donate to Israel in a secure way
With everything that is going on in the world right now, sometimes it’s nice to feel as though you are doing something to help someone. There are so many ways that you can do this like buying a warm drink for someone who is homeless, or donating to some kind of charity.
Israel as we’re sure you know, is currently in massive amounts of disarray, with people constantly being displaced, struggling for basics like food and shelter, and so much more.
If you want to do something, if you want to help, then donating even a small amount of money does that. All donations are received gratefully, and we have ensured that you are able to make this donation in a secure way if this is something you would like to do.
How Can You Help?
If you want to help those in Israel, then you can use our website to donate securely. You don’t have to worry about more money being taken after your donation as this is not something that we do. We take the amount that you allow us to take, no more, no less.
While it might not seem like a lot to you, your small donation can have a massive impact on families in Israel who are struggling to make it day to day.
What Does Your Donation Get?
When you donate to our charity, you are helping to provide meals and food cards to those in Israel who need it. So far, our charity has been working to help those in need for over 20 years, with 34,500 meals for children having been distributed from the restaurants, ensuring that the children are eating.
How Does Donating Work?
It’s a super simple and secure process to donate to Israel. You can pick which country you would like your tax receipt generated for, you can choose either Israeli currency, USA currency or English currency depending on where you are donating from. Then, you choose the amount that you want to donate. There are some suggestions based on what people typically choose, but you can also enter your own amount if none of these work for you.
Once you’ve done this, you can choose whether you want to make a one-off payment or if you would like to set up a direct debit and donate monthly. There is no pressure to do so, as your one-off payment is already enough.
Be aware that if you would like to donate a higher amount but you simply can’t afford it right now, there is an option to split your donation into payments to make it easier for you to manage.
The entire process is super quick, super simple and very secure. All of the information that you provide is under strict protection so you don’t need to worry about this. We understand that it can be quite nerve wracking to enter your personal information into a website that takes donations, but we assure you there is nothing for you to worry about.